Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How To Create Iso Image Using Daemon Tools

To Day Our Topic Is How to Create an ISO Image On Dvd Or Cd.
1st Download Software

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Daemon Tools runs in the background once it has been installed. Right-click the tray icon on the right of the task bar and select Daemon Tools Panel.
  • In the window that opens, select Disc Imaging. Insert the CD or DVD you want to create an image of into your CD/DVD drive.
  • In the Device dropdown menu, ensure the correct source is selected (the drive containing the disc to be imaged). Select a Reading Speed (slower takes longer but reduces the risk of errors in the imaging process).
  • In the Destination image file field, select the destination and filename of the image file, and ensure the output type is ISO.
  • Click Start to begin. Daemon Tools analyses the physical media and creates an image of it in the destination selected in Step 5. The completion time depends on various factors: amount of data being copied, selected read speed and your system specifications.
  • When the process has completed, the ISO file will be available in the specified destination folder. This can now be mounted to a virtual drive, using applications such as Daemon Tools, or alternatively burned to a new disc.

    DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

    A: Download Daemon Tools.
    B: Run Daemon Tools.
    C: Rick-click on the icon; It's red, and should be in this corner. ----->
    Edit: Wait,DT Pro? The icon might be blue then.
    D: When the menu pops up, find 'Mount Image'.
    E: Navigate to your folder, what with the thing you'ze wants to load. (An ISO file, or whatever.)
    F: Click on mount. Your computer now acts like you have an extra CD drive installed, and your game CD is in the drive.
    G: If the software is installed, it should be runable now. It might even load as soon as you mount the image.
    OR G: Install the software. Use a serial if it asks for one.
    H: (optional) Depending on the software, it might not run without the CD. You need to find a cracked.exe or something.

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